Lessons from My Father
- Leadership success is measured by the success of their successor.
- Succession is the effective transfer, conveyance and transition of a leader's:
- Vision
- Passion
- Purpose
- Intent
- Dreams
- Character
- Standards
- Values
- Morals
- Qualities
- to succeeding generations of leaders
- It is reproducing yourself.
- "My father was dedicated to the mandate that God had given him and he was faithful to the vision."
- You cannot mentor someone who does not want to be mentored.
- God places individuals in our lives to advise us. We may think that they are trying to hinder us from accomplishing what we want to accomplish; but they have gone through what we are going through already. There is no need for us to make the same mistakes that they made.
- Mentors are not overbearing to the mentees.
- Identify the mentee
- Wants to be mentored
- Aligns with the vision
- Sold out to the vision
- A mentor takes you out of your comfort zone because he sees something in you that you may not see at the moment.
- Pick a starting point
- Keys - Access (resources, finance, time...), Freedom, Correction, Recognition, etc.
- My dad changes for no one because he knows who he is.
- It's important for a leader to be the exact same person they say they are, behind everybody's eyes.
- He met many people in this earth who rubbed him the wrong way - but he still loved the God in them.
- As a leader, you can't make emotional decisions. You can't make irrational decisions. As a leader, your decision affects many.
Do the Right Thing
1 Peter 5:8-11 (NIV-UK)
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
Psychiatrist and the Corpse
Michael Neill
Let Me Live
Now it is in my past
My context has changed
My perception is different
My lessons learnt
Let me live
If you stay stuck in my past
You will sound like a broken record
You will distort me through a shattered mirror
You will see me through stained lenses
Let me live
Drop the stones of judgment
Step down from that high pedestal
You will see a different me
When we stand eyeball to eyeball
Let me live.
Poem by Martin Kibisu
LIFE after Divorce or Separation
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me
because the Lord has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners
- God does not encourage nor enjoy division. He is not in favor of broken fellowship. He is God of unity.
- God is not the author of destruction.
- Divorce - release a commitment that you had made for life. When you come into marriage, there is a war on to destroy you. Satan instigates everything to destroy it. We commit to each other to defend each other for life. Divorce is thus apostasy.
- Promises are made to humans - vows are made to God. A vow is unto death. (Eccl.2). Built into a vow is the penalty. My making a vow, it allows God to judge you if you break it.
- Marriage is not made for divorce.
- If you are not able to handle the effects of a divorce/separation, you will eventually die.
- A key problem with divorce/separation is denial. Healing starts with acceptance.
- Depression is a result of disappointed expectations.
- Where are you in your recovery? Did you avoid it (emotionally and mentally). This is avoiding it.
- Others escape it by getting into another relationship too quick. There is no escape from the real feelings of trauma. The best way to deal with it is look at it straight into the eye.
- Denial. Mentally block it and assume it didn't happen.
- Acceptance. Others accept and deal with it.
Kingdom Citizenship: Success Laws of Marriage
- We want to rediscover the authority of the marriage covenant.
- We are citizens of the Kingdom/Nation of God. As citizens, we must obey the laws of our Country.
- Marriage is the greatest attraction and distraction in life. It can enhance or destroy your destiny.
- The most beautiful and dangerous thing in life is Marriage.
- The greatest source of joy and frustration is Marriage.
- Is the greatest dream but could also be a nightmare.
- Is the greatest source of hope and fear.
- Marriage was created by God.
- It is a divine product.
- It is a divine option. You should be preoccupied fulfilling God's will other than spending time chasing the prospect of marriage.
- It is not necessary to fulfill God's purpose for your life.
- It is a choice and not mandatory.
- Your education does not equip you for marriage.
- Marriage was the first institution God created.
- The foundation of this institution is the single person.
- Kingdom relationships are regulated by the standards of Heaven.
- A successful marriage is only possible within Kingdom culture.
- Cleave means to chase. Cleave to your wife - not just chase the woman and stop once she is married. Keep chasing her, learning her, with no one else in front of you. She is the only one you are to chase.
- The two shall become one flesh. This implies process.
- Marriage pre-dates all other institutions.
- Marriage is the first foundation of the family.
- Marriage is God's ideal context for human social development and relationship.
- A nation is a collection of communities, which is a collection of families which is a product of marriage.
- Destruction of marriage is the destruction of a nation.
- Marriage is the context for successful human relationships intimately. You should only be intimate in marriage. Marriage is a safety net. He brought them together because he desired a godly offspring. Marriage is not for the people in it, it's for the product it produces.
- A successful marriage has little to do with love.
- Love does not guarantee success in marriage.
- Love brings happiness but it does not make marriage work.
- The thing that makes marriage work is [applied] knowledge.
- Success depends not on what we know or what we feel.
- Marriage - "gameo" - "gem" - TO FUSE TOGETHER.
- GEMS - diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds are all products heat, pressure, time and fusion.
- Marriage is the fusion of two distinct human elements into one. True marriage doesn't become weak under pressure, it becomes stronger.
E.M. Forster
The Media Mandate of the Kingdom
- There is nothing on earth as powerful as the human will. Even God cannot control it. The very nature of a will implies self control.
- The will controls the destiny of man. God intended to use the will of man for His will. The will however gives man the power to choose.
- The seat of the will is the conscious and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind feeds (downloads into) the unconscious mind. The key is to get something into the subconscious mind.
- As a man thinks in his heart (sub-conscious mind), so is he. You are whatever is in your subconscious mind. Whoever controls your heart controls your life. Out of the heart comes forth the issues of life.
- The mind is defined as the heart. It determines the future and the destiny of a man. You are the sum total of the choices you make every day. You become what you are continually hearing. You become what you are continually seeing.
- The issue is: how do you clean a hard drive? Born all over again. You gotta buy another program. Keep hearing and hearing
- It is a battle for the soul. The mind is the center of the soul. The soul consists of the mind, will and emotions. The battle in life is for the soul of man. He that wins souls is wise.
- The soul is the first component of media created by God. It mediates between the spirit and the body.
- The soul receives from the senses and deposits into the spirit.
- The soul feeds the spirit and also receives from the spirit.
- The only way to be completely free of any habit is to have a replacement of habits. Download new information.
- Man is a spirit, lives in a body and possesses a soul.
- Whoever controls the soul rules the man.
- The original purpose of God was to rule the seen world from the unseen.
- The soul is God's media for Kingdom ruler-ship. I wish above all things that you prosper, even as your soul prospers.
- The Kingdom of God is in the heart (soul). If it can't get into man's soul, it can never get into the earth. The first attention of Jesus was on repent.
- God is battling for my soul. So is Satan.
- *Emotions
- "This isn't entertainment it is containment."
- Medium/media is that which stands between the source and the object.
- It means to mediate. Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and Man.
- Media can pervert, corrupt, clarify or protect the message.
- The media controls what the message recipient gets.
- Lev.20:27
Waiting and Dating-Part 1
- Habits and attitudes established during the dating years generally carry over into marriage.
- You are not ready to date until you are fully aware of both the benefits and the dangers of dating. Human beings interact with each other in the spiritual, soulical and physical dimensions. Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels - the levels of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams and personality. The physical dimension is the least important.
- A good understanding of God's standards for relationships. This requires a certain degree of spiritual maturity.
- There are only 2 choices: either you will follow God's standards by deliberate choice, or you will follow the world's standards by default. Unless you plan ahead to keep yourself pure on a date, you probably won't.
- Dating is no place for trial and error.
- Resolve in your spirit that you will not lower or compromise God's standards for any reason, even if it means losing dates. Standing firm on what you believe is a sign of both spiritual and emotional maturity. There are no second-class areas of life to God. He is after your best. He wants you to obey Him, follow His Word, and stand firmly on His standards. Anything less and you cannot expect to receive His best.
- If you feel that you need a date in order to be complete or fulfilled personally, you are not ready for dating. Need involves demand and implies that there is something lacking in life. As long as you perceive lack or incompleteness within yourself, every relationship you enter will be, to one degree or another, an effort to supply that lack or bring a sense of completeness.
- You are ready to date only to the extent that you feel whole and complete within yourself, apart from any other person (except God). When you regard dating as a matter of choice rather than necessity, you are ready.
- Before Eve came along, Adam was alone, but he was not lonely. Loneliness is a spiritual disease. Adam was alone because he was the only one of his kind, but he was completely fulfilled as a person. In tending the garden he had meaningful work to do. In his authority over the living creatures, he was exercising his God-given dominion over the created order. He enjoyed full and open fellowship with his Creator.
- The time you are most prepared for dating is when you don't need anyone to complete you, fulfill you or instill in you a sense of worth or purpose. You are ready to date when you have first learned how to be single.
~ Scott Webster
Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.
The Battle is Not Yours
Thousands and thousands of years ago,
God's people prepared a test;
As the Ammonites and the Moabites
Decended; destruction their quest.
But Jehoshophat saw the problem,
And we read from God's precious Word
That Jehoshophat prepared a fast,
And prepared to seek the Lord.
And all the people, young and old
Gathered together that day
And humbled themselves before the Lord,
As Jehoshophat started to pray.
He lifted his voice in remembrance,
Recalling the days of 'ore;
And promised that God would keep His Word
As always He'd done before.
And finally, in utter abandonment.
He spoke these words so true:
"We have no might against them, Lord,
Nor know we what to do!"
Then, from the very lips of God,
There came these words sublime:
"Be not afraid, beloved,
The battle's not yours; it's Mine!"
"No need to fight, beloved,
Here is all you need to do:
Just take your place; stand still, and see
Your God will fight for you."
So they bowed their heads and worshipped,
And appointed men to sing;
Not to fight God's battles,
But let His praises ring.
"Here comes the enemy"; they cried;
"Let ever voice be raised!"
God's people started to shout and sing,
And lifted their hearts in praise.
And when their lips in praises sang
Lo, then, the job was done.
For God, at the sound of their voices, fought
And at once, the battle was won.
Now what about you, dear Christian,
In your heart have you seen the light?
Have you yet come to understand,
The battle's not yours to fight?
That all your precious Jesus
Is longing for you to do,
Is to set yourself, stand still, and see
That he can live through you.
The battle's not ours--- Oh, shout it!
The battle's not ours to win.
The battle belongs to Jesus,
And Jesus will reign from within.
Acknowledge you cannot do it,
And begin to sing and to praise,
And God will begin to fight for you
As you but acknowledge His ways.
No, the battle's not ours, beloved
The battle belongs to the Son
The battle's not ours; but the victory's ours;
And the victory's already won!!!!
By Russell Kelfer
Booklet 904-b
The Battle Is Not Yours; But God's
Apart from Christ,
nothing matters.
We think that health matters,
or knowledge,
or art
or civilization.
And but for one insistent word,
they would matter indeed.
That word is
A. W. Tozer
Parade of the Ages
"It will cost something to walk slow in the parade of the ages, while excited men of time rush about confusing motion with progress. But it will pay in the long run and the true Christian is not much interested in anything short of that."
A. W. Tozer
@CSLewisDaily: 1/2 "A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later." #CSLewis
@CSLewisDaily: 2/2 ".That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in." #CSLewis
Reflecting Character in the Kingdom-2
- Character is the very essence of God. He is the same yesterday today and forever. Am I?
- God boasts that He never changes. That is why we can trust Him. He is stable. He says heaven and earth may pass away but His word will never pass away. He would sacrifice the universe before breaking His word.
- A good man swears to his own hurt.
- The first thing God gave man was not dominion but image. Character is more important than power. Do you have the character to contain the anointing of God? Power will kill you without character. God's priority is Character. Character is necessary before dominion. God is more concerned about my character than my dominating the earth. Character is God's prerequisite for dominion and ruler-ship. Character is God's foundation for Leadership.
- Three things will test your character:
- Power;
- Money;
- Access to Sex.
- Given any or all of the above, a person's character or lack of it manifests.
- Am I gonna make it to the End? The race is not to the swift... it is to the one who endures to the end. Will I still be around, 10 years from now? Will I still be the same person? Will I outlive every storm and hurricane? Will I be still standing, when every temptation has passed?
- The only way to test character is by temptation.
- Temper is to test for weakness. You will never have a time in your life when you are without temptation. Temptation will constantly be in my life to monitor my character.
- Your character is as strong as the temptation you fall for.
- Eve wanted to be like God i.e. Power.
- Satan will only test you with what you already are. So the greatest danger is ignorance of self. You cannot tempt me to be what I know I already am.
- Ignorance will make you disbelieve yourself.
- God gave character before power.
- I am a king just like my Father. My territory is on earth. God knew that without character the power will
- Power does not corrupt. Power simply reveals corruption. You were already defective. You finally got a chance to show it. Power is pure.
- The fall of man distorted the Image of God. Man became a defective character. His self worth fell. He didn't know what he was worth anymore.
- The principle trait of fallen man is unpredictability.
- You cannot predict a sinner. You don't know what he gonna do next.
- I am gonna get rid of things that can destroy my character.
- All I have built could be destroyed in 5 seconds.
- I am as safe as my character!
- Morality is a product of my values. Morals inform ethics.
- You don't lead out of your position. You lead out of your life.
Reflecting Character in the Kingdom-1
- Principles are laws. They never change.
- "The secret to my success (as a teacher) is that I only teach principles." You can never disagree with a principle.
- A person with character does not live on what is popular. They live on what is principled.
- Character is that which is unchanging.
- Am I the same person all the time? Am I consistent? Am I predictable?
- Leaders must have character. People will not follow you if they don't trust you. Character attracts loyalty.
- Character is commitment to a set of values without compromise. Your values will protect you.
- Character is dedication to a set of standards without wavering. My standards produce my character. I will never violate my standards. There is no excuse in life for breaking standards.
- Character is self-imposed discipline for the sake of moral convictions. A person of character locks themselves up in the prison of their own convictions and throw away the key. They police themselves.
- Your future depends on your character, not your charisma.
- The only thing that can protect your gift and talent is your character.
- Character is a constant effort to integrate one's words and deeds.
- Integrate means to become one.
- Character is sacrifice for principles.
- Who are you with, that you shouldn't be with?
- What are you doing, in secret, that you shouldn't be doing? Are you willing to sacrifice that to protect your principles?
- Character is simply integrity.
- Integrity means that you are ONE with yourself.
- Holy: the root word for holy is One. The Hebrew concept for holiness is integrity. The number one confession about God is that The Lord our God, the Lord is One! Holiness means I'm integrated. I am One. I am not multi-personality.
- Be One. Stop being a hypocrite.
- The foundation for trust is integrity. When you are one, people eventually trust you.
- Don't be attracted to charisma. Seek out character.
- If what you teach does not work for you, it shouldn't be taught.
- Lead with your life. Your life is the weight of your words.
- There is no such thing as a personal life. There is no such thing as a private life. What I do in private is my family's and my community's business.
- A person of character doesn't need to talk:
- Nelson Mandela went to prison for close to three decades and never changed his conviction.
- Fathers, do not exasperate your children.
- Exasperate: frustrate because of instability.
- Character protects your words.
- Everyone is born to lead, not just people, but in an area of gifting. Your gifting attracts people.
- Your gift makes room for you and will bring you before kings.
- You can have a PhD and not know your gift.
- Many educated people didn't finish school. Bill Gates and Steve Jobbs found their gift.
- Your culture trains you to find a job, not to find your gift. You are 50 and still don't know why you were born.
- Your gift is your leadership fruit. When a fruit tree bears a fruit, it never brings the fruit to you. You are attracted to the tree. True leaders never seek followers! Followers are attracted to true leaders. They are not attracted to the person/individual. They are coming to the fruit.
Lead Me to the Cross
Principles of an Eagle
The Storm
The interesting thing about foundation is that it is not visible. Hence, anyone can appear to be strong when things are okay but depth is revealed in adversity. Depth is more than accumulating academic knowledge. It is a knowing of the heart.
Until what you believe is challenged you will not really know if you believe it. The test of a relationship is in the tough times. The best relationships are not characterized by the absence of conflict but rather in the ability to come back after each conflict - better and stronger.
Building Foundations
- Discourage cracks. Cracks are adjustable standards. If when the going gets tough you take short cuts and compromise you are creating cracks in your foundation. If you compromise on the small things, you are setting yourself up for compromising in the big things.
- The creation of a facade that presents who you are not is a dangerous place to be. "I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for who I am not."
- To build your foundation you must consolidate your confidence in your person and not in your position or title. True power does not need titles to reign.
- Confidence in who God made you is key to staying focused in times of adversity. There is more to you than you are experiencing. The vision of my future is greater than the pain of my experience. Hard times come and go but the strong get stronger.
Excerpt from AoE
The Power of Kingdom Faith
The Mysteries of Life
- There are questions in life that we can never answer.
- There are things in life we can never explain.
- There are things in life we can never change. Weeping, worrying etc does not change.
- There are things in life we cannot control.
- There are things in life we cannot stop - so you make arrangements for it to pass you.
- There are things in life we are not responsible for.
- There are things in life we cannot exceed. One powerful statement in life is: I DON'T KNOW.
The key to life is:
- Know your limitations. My limitations keep me peaceful.
- What is my responsibility? Success in life is when you know what you are responsible for. I cannot blame anyone for something that I decided.
- What is not my responsibility? God will never, for example, violate our will.
- What I cannot do. Sometimes you gonna go to jail, to get your anointing.
- LET GOD BE GOD. (We have a great temptation to be God.)
- There are things only God can do.
- There are things only God knows.
- There are things only God understands. Don't sweat it. Go to sleep this week.
- There are things only God can explain. Don't argue with God.
- Don't put yourself under unnecessary pressure trying to explain things only God can.
- My faith is only as strong as the test it survives.
- You can never brag on your strength unless you test it.
- What is my motive for following God? My motivation will be destiny. (John 6:24-27)
- 24 Once the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum in search of Jesus.25 When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, “Rabbi,when did you get here?”26 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.27 Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life,which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
- I allowed this storm to see your reaction.
- Whatever I am going through is allowed by God.
- If my faith is in God, it does not matter what happens around me.
- Some people can't even survive success!
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