The Storm

Some people are made better by adversity while others are destroyed. When the storm came, the house built on sand was destroyed while that build on a rock stayed. The storms came to the two of them so the one that fell did not fall because of the storm. The storm only came to reveal the foundation. Storms of life come to everyone and some are swept away and some stand. The difference is our foundation. Your foundation will determine what happens when things don't go as planned.

The interesting thing about foundation is that it is not visible. Hence, anyone can appear to be strong when things are okay but depth is revealed in adversity. Depth is more than accumulating academic knowledge. It is a knowing of the heart.

Until what you believe is challenged you will not really know if you believe it. The test of a relationship is in the tough times. The best relationships are not characterized by the absence of conflict but rather in the ability to come back after each conflict - better and stronger.

Building Foundations

  • Discourage cracks. Cracks are adjustable standards. If when the going gets tough you take short cuts and compromise you are creating cracks in your foundation. If you compromise on the small things, you are setting yourself up for compromising in the big things. 
  • The creation of a facade that presents who you are not is a dangerous place to be. "I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for who I am not."
  • To build your foundation you must consolidate your confidence in your person and not in your position or title. True power does not need titles to reign. 
  • Confidence in who God made you is key to staying focused in times of adversity. There is more to you than you are experiencing. The vision of my future is greater than the pain of my experience. Hard times come and go but the strong get stronger.
Words become deeds and deeds become destinies.

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