
Now therefore, restore the man’s wife; for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you shall live. But if you do not restore her, know that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours.”
Genesis 20:7 NKJV

You shall speak all that I command you. And Aaron your brother shall tell Pharaoh to send the children of Israel out of his land. And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh will not heed you, so that I may lay My hand on Egypt and bring My armies and My people, the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord , when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them.”
Exodus 7:2‭-‬5 NKJV

The end towards which a prophet points is not himself but unto the Lord.

Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took the timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. And Miriam answered them: “Sing to the Lord , For He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!”
Exodus 15:20‭-‬21 NKJV

1. A prophet is a normal/ordinary human inspired by God.
2. A prophet faces normal life challenges.
3. A prophet is named by God.
4. Prophet is a status given by God.
5. A prophet is inspired by God. Genesis 12.
6. A prophet is not a title. It is a function.
7. A prophet is a worshipper. Wherever he went, Abraham built God altars.
8. A prophet hears God and obeys.
9. A prophet has a sacred relationship with God.
10. A prophet believes and walks with God.
11. A prophet contends and deals with relationships.
12. A prophet gets insights into the future. He does not necessarily disclose everything.
13. A prophet has family.
14. A prophet works.
15. A prophet makes intercession.
16. A prophet is prosperous.
17. A prophet has an army.
18. A prophet can make mistakes.

We can all be prophets.

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