Hindrances to Migration

1. Wrong Mindsets. 2 Corinthians 10:5
(a) Superstition
(b) Tradition.
(c) Sentimental mindset. So attached to a place that you go astray. Nehushtan.
(d) Illogicality. We move not by sight but by faith.
(e) Toxic mindset. Containing poison. Such Mindsets lack purity.

2. Wrong Company. 1 Kings 11:1-5

3. Absence of faith. Faith dispels fear, propels the believer to take risks.
Mark 10:50-52.
Hebrews 11:6

4. Rebellion. Plain disobedience to the Word of God.
1 Samuel 15:22

5. The Flesh.
1 Corinthians 10:5-11
To be carnally minded is death.
Spiritual life. Romans 8 and Galatians 5.

6. Ignorance. Hosea 4:6. 2 Kings 17:32-33
Ignorance and fear led to idolatry.

7. The spirit of fear. The ten spies feared the giants in the land. This inhibited their migration.
Numbers 13:32-33.

8. Material comfort and security.
Luke 12:19-20
It is wrong to trust in riches.

9. The spirit of control
The prophetic voice accelerates migration into the current speaking of God. But the spirit of Jezebel is antagonistic to the prophetic.

10. Spiritual deafness.
Matthew 13:13-16

A lack of sensitivity to the things of God hinders our migration.

Examples of Inaccurate Migration.
1. Demas. 2 Timothy 4:10

2. Elimelech. My God is King. Ruth 1:1-2
Elimelech died in the place of inaccuracies.

3. Lot. Genesis 10:10-13.
Jordan. To descend/decline. Lot descended. He sank to a lower level.
Sodom. Burning.
Gomorrah. Submerged.
Lot camped near the place of sin. His righteous soul was vexed.

4. Abram. Genesis 12:10-11
He left the promised land to go to Egypt. There he acquired Hagar and subsequently had Ishmael.

5. The young Prophet. 1 Kings 13:14-17.
He went to Bethel but in violation of the Word of God. He ended in tragedy.
The thing/system/friend/order that tempts you against God is the very thing/system/friend/order that pronounces judgment upon you.

6. Jacob. Genesis 33 & 34.
Don't try to authenticate an illegality by spiritualizing it.
Instead of going to Hebron, he went to Shechem.

We must wage a good war against hindrances to Migration.

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