First Principles (Genesis)
- Gift: given without expecting anything in return. Can be given to show appreciation or affection. It is not a requirement. It is a free will offering.
- Tribute: payment owed to a higher authority. It is a requirement e.g. by kings. Taxes are modern day form of tribute. If you don't pay tribute, you are offending the sovereign e.g. state. It is compulsory.
- Sacrifice: surrendering something that has value. It is costly to the giver. It is given to show deep love and honor.
- Produce: something that has been grown. It involves work and effort. Has resulted from growth and/or development. Your work is your fruit. It is what you produce as a result of your effort.
- Reward: payment received for work done e.g. fees, commissions, salaries, bonuses.
- Increase: investment income, interest, capital gains etc.
Cain's offering was from the fruit of the ground. It was the fruit of his handiwork. "This is the fruit of my labor." Abel gave of the firstborn of the animals/flock and their fat. Both gave an offering that was the fruit of their labor. So, if both gave legitimate offering, why is one accepted and the other rejected?
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