Buy the Future

Genesis 25/Hebrews 12
  • There are Jacob people and there are Esau people.
  • Esaus are comfortable because the odds are stacked in their favor, but Jacobs are not intimidated by the Esaus.
  • Success in life is not based on who started first. Seniority is not the ticket to success in life.
The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; 
but time and chance happen to them all.
  • Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field. Jacob was a mild man, dwelling in tents.
    • Esau is a producer of raw material. Jacob is a developer of what has been developed. 
    • Esau nations produce much, but are hungry. The Jacob nations do not produce but are satisfied. 
  • God says one will be stronger than the other. The Jacob system is always stronger than the Esau system.
  • The Esau nations use raw physical energy. The Jacob nations use refined methods.
  • Hard work is not equivalent to success. 
    • Activity is not to be confused for productivity.
  • The Esaus negotiate when they are hungry. The Jacobs negotiate on full stomachs.
    • Never negotiate when you are hungry. 
    • Nations that negotiate while in crisis only end up in deeper crisis.
    • Even when you negotiate on an empty stomach, be dignified about your hunger. Be dignified about your need. Be dignified about your poverty. Don't appear poor...
  • Esaus don't think of the future. Jacobs buy the future.
  • The future is potential that is yet to be revealed. As such, it has no much value today.
  •  What I am today does not reflect what I will be tomorrow. Abraham was told he would be the father of the nations yet his present condition was that he was childless. Your present look can contradict your future. Therefore, do not be too concerned about who you are today that you forget about your future.
  • I AM NOT ALL THAT I AM SEEING. This is not my last stop. I am in transition. I am moving. Don't act like you've come to a standstill, you are moving on.
  • Esau despised his birthright.
  • The people who make progress in this life have a Jacob attitude. They are always aware of the future. 
  • The people who make it in life make decisions TODAY that will make their FUTURE better.
  • The people who fail to make it in life make decisions TODAY that destroy their FUTURE.
  • Don't sell your future for present pleasure. The Esaus of this life are deceived by the pleasure and comfort of today. In that deception, they destroy what they will become in future.
  • God is not mocked; whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
  • The Esau people, though perhaps initially bestowed with much, end up weak and have to serve the Jacob people (a people with so little but who make good choices with their future in mind.)
  • Every choice Jacob made had the future in mind.
  • Esau's treasure is far away. Jacob's treasure is very close by.
  • At the time you need your treasure, where is it? Is it out in the field, or near the tent?
  • The world is moving to the place where smart work is better than hard work.
    • The more you use your brains, the better you are.
    • The more you use your physical body to work, the worse for you.
  • The Jacobs may not have much to start with but they end up successful.
  • Your present crisis cannot be compared to your future glory. No matter how low you have fallen, it cannot be compared to how high you are going to get.
  • Let not your present need obscure your future. 
  • Trust God. He holds the future in His hands. He will open doors. He will provide for the vision He gives. He will make it possible. Don't sell your future. Buy the Future.

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